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Monday to Friday

352 University Ave SW, Suite W112

Atlanta, GA 30310



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Happy New Year!!

Can you believe it’s 2014- already?  Time truly does not wait for no man!  This is magnified when I look at my children, see their development- no longer needing me for their day to day activities and often beginning their day while I’m still in bed.

Today,  on the first day of the year,  I have an opportunity to reflect, review and retweak personal and company goals.   The Lord has allow Area West Realty to experience an incredible first year of operation in 2013- ending the year with a bang- closing (now new neighbor and friend).  But with anything, there is always room for improvement and the desire to surpass the last year.   As a  recruiter in sales- the saying goes “you’re only as good as the last deal”…  I still live by this rule, however the “deal” is not the goal, but the effect of the deal.

As I drive throughout the City of Atlanta, review our Facebook friends and “Likes”- I see the affect Area West agents have had throughout the years.  Unions have been formed, babies have been born, graduations occurred and lives lived reaching their full potential after the Purchase or Sale of a home.  Forgotten communities have been remembered, unknown communities found and nameless streets are now proudly topped representing and claiming their territory with the assistance of our agents on the NPU level and through promotions from “Committed To Communities”.

Do you know our company tag line?  I used it often for years, but in 2013 due to feedback (contrary to my spirit) I did not emphasize it as much.  The tag line: “We’re not just talking Real Estate, we’re talking Community…” .  This resonates with me more now than ever.

In 2014- our mission is simple. We’re back to basics.  There  are  more people to impact, communities to redevelop and lives to change.  How we do this, will require your continued support. How we do this, will require working/thinking  outside the box.  How we do this, will require A LOT more work, A LOT more of our time.  How we do this, may require LESS of me- and more self giving.  No matter “How we do it”, the bottom line, it  WILL be done.

Happy 2014 Community- let’s get to work!

#yes, I’m blogging again- ready for the ups & downs? Follow us…


Nia Knowles

Realtor, Community Advocate, Mother, Leader, Innovative Thinker, Idea Generator,

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