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What does google say about your Neighborhood?

Have you searched your community online? If you’re reading this blog, I’m sure you have!  Did you see more crime stats and warnings about your neighborhood opposed to the great things YOU know the community offers?    If so, it’s time for YOU to get  to Tweeting, Facebooking, Yelping and link that neighborhood into positive press!  

Most of our communities on the Westside are in a redevelopment or revitalization stage. We are actively recruiting home buyers.  With this in mind, did you know 88% of the people searching for a home review homes on the Internet FIRST.  After they’ve found a home, what do you think they look for next? Of course, ‘information on the community’ the home resides in!   It is important to  spread the good news occurring within our communities; don’t let the MEDIA develop the image; WE live here!   This is why I believe in writing positive reports and comments about the communities I serve in public forums. 

It’s disappointing when communities do not maintain or have a website.  What does this say about your neighborhood? Are you inactive and blighted?   Not innovative but outdated?  Disconnected and unconcerned about sharing your events? If you are disconnected and unconcerned, how safe can it be to live by  you?

 Here is a great solution,  Neighborhood Link will host your website FREE.  It’s  “plug and play”- just enter the information and it’s already designed.

A few other great sites:

Patch, Everyblock

These sites are syndicated- which means they will be picked up in a search -yes, on google.  The more you write- the positive press will move up in the search results.

Get to writing and see the difference you can make in your community!


Nia Knowles

Realtor, Community Advocate, Mother, Leader, Innovative Thinker, Idea Generator,

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