9 am to 5 pm

Monday to Friday

352 University Ave SW, Suite W112

Atlanta, GA 30310



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Mold Mitigation in Homes and Buildings

Technology Snapshot & Benefits: Molds occur naturally in our environment. They reproduce by means of tiny spores. When a person touches or inhales mold or mold spores, sensitive individuals may have an allergic reaction. The key to mold control is moisture control, as mold spores cannot reproduce without moisture or water. Controlling moisture reduces the […]

Area West Realty: November Calendar

November 8th  (Tuesday) 11AM Agent Caravan (to meet at the OFFICE and car pool) November 11th (Friday) 10AM Area West Team Meeting November 16th  (3rd Weds of the month, reoccurring!!) 12PM Area West Blog day Week of November 21st Area West Give Thanks day… info to come at our meeting.   To resume in January […]

Moisture Management for Energy Efficiency and Comfort

Technology Snapshot & Benefits: You can increase comfort and save money by mindfully managing the moisture content of the air in your home. Humans are most comfortable at a relative humidity of 50%, plus or minus 10%. Relative humidity is the amount of moisture that air contains relative to the maximum amount that it could contain (at […]

Low VOC Paint

Snapshot & Benefits: Because low- or no-VOC “volatile organic compound” paints have a lower odor and less impact on air quality than higher VOC-content paints, they are excellent for use in buildings where it is desirable to maintain good indoor air quality, such as hospitals, schools, homes and workplaces. Recent EPA studies estimate indoor air […]


Snapshot: Lead is a highly toxic metal commonly used in household products, such as paint, pipes, and solder, especially before the 1980s.  Since then, federal regulations have helped decrease or eliminate the amount of lead used in such products, making them safer for your family.  Despite this decrease in use, your home may still be […]

Area West Realty Calendar- up next!

*October 20th  (Thursday) 12PM Lunch & Learn, Regions Bank/Tia McCoy *October 23rd  (Sunday) 2-6PM Atlanta Streets Alive (We need to man the booth- jump rope and blow bubbles *October 25th (Last Tuesday of month- reoccurring!!! Except in November and December) 10AM Senior Tea ( senior social, learn about taxes, home values and stay informed)  

Indoor Air Quality

Topic Snapshot: People spend a large portion of their time inside homes and offices. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that most people spend 90 to 95 percent of their time indoors. This makes indoor air quality very important to health. Harmful gasses and particles can compromise indoor air quality. Ensuring that combustion […]

Hazardous Materials in and around the Home

Snapshot: Hazardous materials can enter your home in many ways, from chemical spills to groundwater contamination to automobile fluids to cleaning materials.  In fact, the average household contains between 3 and 10 gallons of hazardous material at all times, presenting a threat to the health and indoor air quality within the home if handled improperly.  […]

Area West October Calendar

Join us for any of our October events! *October 11th  (Tuesday) 11AM Agent Caravan – Adair Park *October 14th (Friday) 10AM Area West Office Meeting/Team Building Meeting *October 15th (Saturday) 8AM ABR Race/Run/Walk (Run for the Dream/Habitat) *October 19th ( 3rd Weds of the month, reoccurring!!!)  12PM Area West Blog Club Lunch & Blog, bring […]