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Monday to Friday

352 University Ave SW, Suite W112

Atlanta, GA 30310



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NOW is the time to buy!

I went to an agent seminar tonight  to hear a discussion on the shift in our market. We discussed buyer hesitancy and their expectations of prices lowering and “getting a better deal”.  This made all us agents LOL because a few years ago buyers were buying just because (when the market was terribly over priced) without the thought of a “deal” and NOW- the time TO BUY- you guys are holding out in hopes of a “BETTER” deal- but the catch is- we never know when a deal is a deal until AFTER it’s over.  

So, I’m telling you now, NOW is the time to buy. This maybe the bottom and with the government taking over Fannie and Freddie, there is much talk of a better market (good news to sellers).  Some deals are obvious.  3bed/2bath 1920 in-town bungalow in good condition with original details in tack selling at 40K is sweeter than sweet!!!  But yet,I’ve taken buyers to these homes and they LOVE the home- seriously pull out flashlights, take notes, visit twice- and then say, “This one is high on the list,what else is out there?”   6 great homes later, they want to ask is the 1st one still available. Come on, we spend less time picking out our 401K stock options (which mines is losing money rapidly)

This amazes me. If the home has hit all of your points- location, size, price,even character and extra- then what is the hesitation?   Please,don’t answer that- I have tons of sales books with the answer to that question. 🙂  My point is- DON’T MISS THE BUS- THINKING ANOTHER IS BEHIND IT! Too many people (some out of state investors) are in line to snatch up these deals and you are missing out and WILL regret it in 5years or less.  Sounds like a long time? – It’s NOT…   check out craigslist.org Real Estate- already you will see some of our awesome homes for sale at a much higher price than they were listed for before now that an investor has bought, completed some minor renovations and is now reselling or doing a lease/purchase on.  KICK YOURSELF- that could have been your home!

So ask yourself, do you seriously want to buy a home and get a good deal NOW before it’s too late? If you do- give me a call and let’s find your home this weekend! 404-414-3289.

If you just want to see what’s out there- drop me a line, I’ll be happy to send you listings so you can see for yourself the opportunities…


Nia Knowles

Realtor, Community Advocate, Mother, Leader, Innovative Thinker, Idea Generator,

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