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What’s going on in the S.W.A.T.S.?

It’s been a long day,emotionally. I took time to catch up on a few Netflix movies -that queue has been piling put for months. But as usual I can’t do just one thing so during the Black Panther Revolution, Marvin Gaye’s crossing dressing father scene and a 1998  Vibe issue (which caused me to reminisce on my 1998 wedding),  I was able to rejuvenate and ponder the state of my SW Communities… what’s interesting -all of these side items were a catalyst for a future idea and seem to tie my thoughts on SW ATL together.  I love it when idea’s come to me without much effort…  but I’m sure the effort will come while working in the S.W.A.T.S. 

The S.W.A.T.S.

I have no idea where I first heard the term for SW ATL, but I remember the name put me in the mind of a militant warrior, someone always fighting in the streets- or hustling for survival.  The “S.W.A.T.S.” stand for “Southwest Atlanta,Too Strong”. I still can’t find the direct source,  the person who had the “Aha” moment but  artists’ OutKast, Goodie Mob and Cee Lo Green receive credit for using the term most in their music in the mid 90’s. Although, I remember hearing this term in the early 90’s (1990-1991- during my first stay in Atlanta).  I would say the term is certainly true, as the resident of the SW communities had to be strong to sustain these neighborhoods, and I’m glad to see they are rebounding from the most recent attack- mortgage fraud.  But what’s next for these communities?

Now that the secret is out, more and more people are buying these amazing deals- International Investors, Celebrities, Retirees and Transplants all know the value of their dollar and have selected SW Atl as their stomping ground to stretch their buck.  In the past 6mths we’ve had over 600 single family home sales. It’s not uncommon for me to host a group of Asian tourists and show them around our community while providing information on future developments.  These savvy investors know, while it may appear to be quiet- a lot of noise is being made where it matters.  Down at the planning department, in licensing and permits- applications are being filed for renovations. Lots are being purchased for new construction and 2013 is looking very hopeful for those willing to buy and hold as sale prices increase.  I’m excited about what’s to come in the S.W.A.T.S. .. Yes, a war is taking place and it’s a war on blight.  The good news, there is room for additional warriors – and at prices from $10K, owning a home in this area is achievable.

Here is a list and map of all the neighborhoods:


Nia Knowles

Realtor, Community Advocate, Mother, Leader, Innovative Thinker, Idea Generator,

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